Measure Milder Cognitive Dysfunction and Plan More Targeted Care
Specifically designed to detect what other cognitive tests can miss, BrainFx’s interactive digital cognitive assessments help health professionals better understand a person’s neurofunction, quickly illuminate mild to moderate dysfunction and deliver unique insights for creating more, targeted treatment plans through real-world contextual, function based activities

Trusted by 1000s of providers delivering innovative, real-world based cognitive care

Designed for clinical utility, ecological validity, and workflow efficiency
Detect what other tests often miss
BrainFx assessments use the innovative Neurofunctional approach to assessing cognitive function. This means that you assess more than just cognition because, in the real-world, other factors like one’s psychosocial and physical health, or environmental and task-related characteristics can positively or negatively influence cognitive function.
By taking the Neurofunctional approach in the design of the assessments, BrainFx’s activities can be more real-world and function-based, more challenging, and ultimately more sensitive. This enables BrainFx assessments to detect what other tests can often miss – milder cognitive dysfunction.
List of Complex Cognitive Skills
- Attention – Divided
- Memory – Delayed – For Faces & Names
- Memory – Prospective – Auditory, 2 steps
- Mental Flexibility
- Abstract Reasoning
- Judgement for Safety
- Foresight for Safety
- Comprehension & Humor Inferences with Distraction
- Executive Functioning & Combined Skills
List of Intermediate Cognitive Skills
- Attention – Selective – To Visual Distraction
- Attention – Selective – To Audio Distraction
- Memory – Delayed – Auditory & Written
- Memory – Delayed – Written & Cued
- Memory – Working
- Problem Solving
- Constructive Ability
- Route-Finding
- Sequencing
List of Foundational Cognitive Skills
- Memory – Immediate – For Auditory
- Memory – Immediate – For Visual
- Memory – Immediate – For Complex, Auditory, Novel
- Temporal Awareness
List of Sensory, Physical, Mood & Behavioral skills
- How you are feeling during assessment:
- Fatigue, Mood, Anxiety, & Pain
- Sensory & Physical Skills:
- Visual
- Hearing
- Fine motor
- Static balance
- Social & Behavioral Skills:
- Impulsivity
- Emotion recognition
Comprehensively understand brain health and function
Cognitive function can be a complex process to understand. There are many potentially confounding factors that can influence one’s cognitive abilities, beyond the cognitive skills themselves. From a clinical perspective, it can be challenging to get a clear understanding of one’s complete cognitive functional profile with existing tools.
This is why BrainFx assessments measure more cognitive skills than any other cognitive assessment: totaling 30 cognitive skills. The assessments also incorporate sensory, physical, and psychosocial skills, as well as other factors like daily life demands, medical history, and other key background information like sleep, nutrition, mood, and behavior.
Completely understand brain health and function
Cognitive function can be a complex process to understand. There are many potentially confounding factors that can influence one’s cognitive abilities, beyond the cognitive skills themselves. From a clinical perspective, it can be challenging to get a clear understanding of one’s complete cognitive functional profile with existing tools.
This is why BrainFx assessments measure more cognitive skills than any other cognitive assessment: totaling 30 cognitive skills. The assessments also incorporate sensory, physical, and psychosocial skills, as well as other factors like daily life demands, medical history, and other key background information like sleep, nutrition, mood, and behavior.
List of Complex Cognitive Skills
- Attention – Divided
- Memory – Delayed – For Faces & Names
- Memory – Prospective – Auditory, 2 steps
- Mental Flexibility
- Abstract Reasoning
- Judgement for Safety
- Foresight for Safety
- Comprehension & Humor Inferences with Distraction
- Executive Functioning & Combined Skills
List of Intermediate Cognitive Skills
- Attention – Selective – To Visual Distraction
- Attention – Selective – To Audio Distraction
- Memory – Delayed – Auditory & Written
- Memory – Delayed – Written & Cued
- Memory – Working
- Problem Solving
- Constructive Ability
- Route-Finding
- Sequencing
List of Foundational Cognitive Skills
- Memory – Immediate – For Auditory
- Memory – Immediate – For Visual
- Memory – Immediate – For Complex, Auditory, Novel
- Temporal Awareness
List of Sensory, Physical, Mood & Behavioral skills
- How you are feeling during assessment:
- Fatigue, Mood, Anxiety, & Pain
- Sensory & Physical Skills:
- Visual
- Hearing
- Fine motor
- Static balance
- Social & Behavioral Skills:
- Impulsivity
- Emotion recognition
Highly ecologically valid
Traditional cognitive assessments tend to lack real-world context.
Completing tests where you name animals, recall and match symbols, draw cubes, or connect letters and numbers can show you how your client compares to others who did that same test, but they have poor correlation in determining whether that means you client can stay home alone, make meals, go to work or other daily activities. This often results in a low level of clinical utility and little meaningful results that connect to both real-world function and to treatment strategies.
BrainFx’s assessment activities are purposely designed to have real-world context and connect to function.
No more manual scoring and reporting
Spend more time caring and less time scoring and reporting.
BrainFx assessment results are automatically scored and reporting is immediately available. Every report comes with detailed results from each assessment activity, with standardized scoring and percentiles. Comparison of scores & percentiles is automatically matched to pre-selected reference population.
No more manual scoring and reporting
Spend more time caring and less time scoring and reporting.
BrainFx assessment results are automatically scored and reporting is immediately available. Every report comes with detailed results from each assessment activity, with standardized scoring and percentiles. Comparison of scores & percentiles is automatically matched to pre-selected reference population.
Better clinical decisions and care planning
More clinically useful information about your client’s neurofunctional profile means that you can be more targeted in developing your treatment plan. Get more unique insights with our post-assessment tools, and leverage our clinical decision support resources to plan highly targeted next steps and treatment.
“I love working with this assessment tool. It provides a great starting point for treatment and discussion around strategies to improve neurofunction.”
An innovative approach, scientifically-backed
Our Assessments are validated independently in collaboration with prominent researchers and institutions in neuroscience. BrainFx Assessments offer a scientific approach to assess brain health, and your ability to function in real life.

Our latest research
Working with the Mayo Clinic to understand Long-COVID
This study focuses on understanding the neurological impact of Long-COVID by developing a solution that assists clinicians and researches to better understand and address the impacts of this new and emerging phenomena.
Interested in working with us?
Get in touch with us below to learn more
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Copyright © 2022 - BrainFx. All rights reserved.
Important Information: BrainFx Assessments only provide information about neurofunctional performance. Assessment results detail the patient/client's performance on assessment activities completed and only assist the health care team in identifying potential areas of strength or challenge as related to function. Assessments DO NOT provide any diagnosis or treatment recommendations. BrainFx Assessments are only permitted to be delivered by trained clinicians. Assessment reports are not stand-alone and require the interpretation of a health professional within their scope of practice and in the context of all information that they have gathered about their patient/client. In Canada, BrainFx Assessments are cleared by Health Canada as a Class 1 Software as a Medical Device. BrainFx Assessments and the statements made on this website have not been evaluated by any other regulatory bodies. Assessments are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided by BrainFx is not a substitute for face-to-face consultation with your health care professional and should not be construed as individual medical advice.