Who can administer brainfx?
Any clinician, health professional, or worker who wishes to administer and interpret BrainFx should be trained and certified. Interpretation of results should be done within scope of practice. To ensure consistency and accuracy, training and certification is mandatory.
Is any training or certification available for brainfx?
Training & Certification for BrainFx is available. It is essential to ensure standardization of the testing procedures, and is mandatory for professionals wanting to administer the assessments.
Can I administer the assessments to those with physical disabilities?
Depends on the disability, degree of disability or whether it can be modified to meet standardized administration. There are Minimum Abilities needed to participate in a BrainFx Assessment, such as adequate hand function to interact with a tablet. However, BrainFx is designed to also test some sensory and physical skills such as visual perception & acuity, coordination, static balance, fine motor, and more. Contact us with specific questions.
Test Information
How are BrainFx assessments delivered?
Both the BrainFx SCREEN and the BrainFx 360 are delivered digitally via a tablet.
The BrainFx SCREEN app is downloadable on any compatible Android tablet.
The BrainFx 360 requires additional equipment (Bluetooth keyword, stylus pen, headphones, tablet stand, carrying case) which we provide at cost. This is because the assessment is multi-sensory, so to ensure accuracy, quality and standardization of results, it requires specific hardware.
What is the difference between the brainfx screen, brainfx vca, and brainfx 360?
The BrainFx SCREEN is a validated, shortened 15-minute version of BrainFx 360 to assist in determining whether more comprehensive assessment is needed. It can be used for screening, setting baselines and for tracking.
The BrainFx VCA is a completely virtual or contactless assessment that measures 25 functional cognitive skills in 30 minutes using real-world activities that translate to real-world function for practical recommendations that can improve health outcomes.
The BrainFx 360 Assessment is a web and tablet based assessment of Neurofunction™. It has three parts:
1. SELF REPORT Clients provide their report of their medical history, symptoms (physical, mood, behavioural, social), daily activities, and quality of life via their own secure online profile.
2. COMPANION REPORT Clients invite up to 3 people to provide their perspective through an online questionnaire.
3. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT Clients attend an assessment with a health professional, who has been trained to administer BrainFx 360, for 1-1.5 hrs. They
complete 62 multi-sensory, real-life and game-like activities on a tablet that measure performance on 30 cognitive skills. Because more complex cognitive skills are measured, it is designed to discern subtle dysfunction.
The comprehensive report is then immediately available to be shared and interpreted by the health care team. When a baseline assessment has been completed, reports can be compared to understand the degree of change, providing a useful functional and clinical outcome measure.
How is BrainFx different than other cognitive assessment tools?
BrainFx was specifically designed to detect what other tests can miss. While most digitized assessments tools are very similar to traditional pen & paper tests, BrainFx was created differently by taking a Neurofunctional approach to develop new, real-world connected activities. As such, the tasks in the assessments target more cognitive skills than other tests and also measure physical and sensory skills in addition to psychosocial, historical, daily life, and other background and medical information.
What is the test-retest time frame?
The test-retest performance has been validated to be very good within a couple of weeks with no significant learning effect. In fact, the test-retest reliability was also demonstrated to be higher than most traditional assessment tools. Additionally, the BrainFx SCREEN demonstrated good reliability regardless of whether administered in the clinic or near the sports field/in the locker-room and despite level of reported fatigue. (please see the BrainFx validation study in the Scientific Validation section of the BrainFx website).
Training and Certification
Is Training and Certification Mandatory?
To ensure consistency and accuracy, training and certification to administer BrainFx is mandatory. All training is done online and is self-paced.
In What languages is the test available?
BrainFx is currently available in English, with French and Spanish coming soon.
We are always looking for professionals to assist us in the development of new versions of the tests. Please reach out to us if you would like to partner and assist – connect@brainfx.com
Normative Data
What populations can brainfx be used with?
BrainFx is for age 10+ with people who are healthy or have experienced one of the following:
- Concussion/Brain injury
- Stroke
- Mental illness
- Mild Cognitive Impairment / Early Dementia
- Learning Disability, ADD/ADHD, Top end of Spectrum
- Other neurological/brain disorders
- Other conditions with cognitive effects
Applicable across the continuum of care to nearly any setting and population to measure the impact of brain disorders on a person’s ability to function.
What Age group is brainfx for?
BrainFx is currently for age 10+.
How is scoring completed? Is it done manually?
BrainFx scoring and reporting is completely automated – you just need to focus on interpretation.
The BrainFx SCREEN report is 8 pages.
The BrainFx 360 report is 37 pages.
How objective are the results?
The results are based on the person’s performance during the assessment. Their results are compared to normative groups. Standardized scoring includes activity scores, percentiles, t-scores/ z-scores, STEN scores, summary and overall scores.
What's included in the scoring?
BrainFx scoring includes activity scores, accuracy scores, endurance scores, averages, standard deviations, comparisons to normative data, and statistical measures like z-scores, t-scores and sten-scores.
Interpretation of BrainFx
Is any training or certification available for brainfx?
Only a health professional can interpret the results and it must be done within scope of practice.
What are the severity levels for BrainFx? Are there cut-offs?
Everyone has a unique brain health profile of cognitive strengths and challenges, and that is what is reflected in BrainFx scoring. There are no thresholds/cut-offs but rather strengths and challenges with severity that is calculated by a mixture of individual performance and comparison to normative data (within 2 standard deviations of average performance).
Our latest research
Working with the Mayo Clinic to understand Long-COVID
This study focuses on understanding the neurological impact of Long-COVID by developing a solution that assists clinicians and researches to better understand and address the impacts of this new and emerging phenomena.
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Let's make the INVISIBLE effects of brain disorders VISIBLE, together.
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Copyright © 2022 - BrainFx. All rights reserved.
Important Information: BrainFx Assessments only provide information about neurofunctional performance. Assessment results detail the patient/client's performance on assessment activities completed and only assist the health care team in identifying potential areas of strength or challenge as related to function. Assessments DO NOT provide any diagnosis or treatment recommendations. BrainFx Assessments are only permitted to be delivered by trained clinicians. Assessment reports are not stand-alone and require the interpretation of a health professional within their scope of practice and in the context of all information that they have gathered about their patient/client. In Canada, BrainFx Assessments are cleared by Health Canada as a Class 1 Software as a Medical Device. BrainFx Assessments and the statements made on this website have not been evaluated by any other regulatory bodies. Assessments are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided by BrainFx is not a substitute for face-to-face consultation with your health care professional and should not be construed as individual medical advice.