Anthony Lacavera discusses cognitive assessments with BrainFx CEO Tracy Milner
Tracy Milner discusses cognitive assessments with Anthony Lacavera

BrainFx CEO & Co- founder Tracy Milner sits down with Globalive Media‘s Anthony Lacavera (interview supported by iGan Partners) to discuss BrainFx assessments and it’s applications with those facing brain disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. As Tracy discusses, most cognitive assessments help to diagnose but they do not speak to how these diagnoses impact a patient’s everyday life. BrainFx is able to look at this impact and can then inform care plans in order to help maximize the quality of life for patients. 

Tracy elaborates on the core of BrainFx’s methods; understanding the impact of brain disorders through evaluating one’s brain function through the performance of everyday tasks. BrainFx is able to digitally engage with patients in an innovative way by capturing results through activities created to measure this performance. Both the BrainFx SCREEN (10-15 minute assessment) and the more comprehensive BrainFx 360 (90 minute assessment) look at function brain but the BrainFx 360 uses physical skills, sensory skills and medical history for a deeper report. Results can be stored in the BrainFx ‘Living Brain Bank’ so that patients and providers can create cohorts for normative comparisons across different criteria. 

The Living Brain Bank, as Tracy explains, uses AI and machine learning in order to continuously improve the assessments, but is also key for research alongside other data banks available in the industry.


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Important Information: BrainFx Assessments only provide information about neurofunctional performance. Assessment results detail the patient/client's performance on assessment activities completed and only assist the health care team in identifying potential areas of strength or challenge as related to function. Assessments DO NOT provide any diagnosis or treatment recommendations. BrainFx Assessments are only permitted to be delivered by trained clinicians. Assessment reports are not stand-alone and require the interpretation of a health professional within their scope of practice and in the context of all information that they have gathered about their patient/client. In Canada, BrainFx Assessments are cleared by Health Canada as a Class 1 Software as a Medical Device. BrainFx Assessments and the statements made on this website have not been evaluated by any other regulatory bodies. Assessments are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided by BrainFx is not a substitute for face-to-face consultation with your health care professional and should not be construed as individual medical advice.