Detecting what other cognitive tests can miss.
BrainFx Assessments are designed to be more comprehensive, sensitive and functional than other tests so that researchers, scientists and clinicians get the objective and reliable data they need, when and how they need it – for any brain-related condition.

Trusted by 1000s of researchers, scientists and clinicians across the globe.

Solutions for any clinical or research need
We provide a suite of tools to facilitate the unique needs of your practice or study. The options provided ensure maximum flexibility and minimize potential barriers to care or research.

Clinical Assessment

Clinical Assessment

Remote Monitoring

Measuring more skills than any other platform
Our assessment and remote monitoring solutions deliver more data than any other platform by measuring cognitive skills plus other critical factors such as psychosocial, sensory, physical and more.

List of Complex Cognitive Skills
- Attention – Divided
- Memory – Delayed – For Faces & Names
- Memory – Prospective – Auditory, 2 steps
- Mental Flexibility
- Abstract Reasoning
- Judgement for Safety
- Foresight for Safety
- Comprehension & Humor Inferences with Distraction
- Executive Functioning & Combined Skills
List of Intermediate Cognitive Skills
- Attention – Selective – To Visual Distraction
- Attention – Selective – To Audio Distraction
- Memory – Delayed – Auditory & Written
- Memory – Delayed – Written & Cued
- Memory – Working
- Problem Solving
- Constructive Ability
- Route-Finding
- Sequencing
List of Foundational Cognitive Skills
- Memory – Immediate – For Auditory
- Memory – Immediate – For Visual
- Memory – Immediate – For Complex, Auditory, Novel
- Temporal Awareness
List of Sensory, Physical, Mood & Behavioral skills
- Affect at time of assessment:
- Fatigue, Mood, Anxiety, & Pain
- Resilience
- Balance between general stress & recovery plus subdomains including social, emotional, physical complaints, conflicts & pressure, and more.
- Sensory & Physical Skills:
- Visual
- Hearing
- Fine motor
- Static balance
- Social & Behavioral Skills:
- Impulsivity
- Emotion recognition
List of Complex Cognitive Skills
- Attention – Divided
- Memory – Delayed – For Faces & Names
- Memory – Prospective – Auditory, 2 steps
- Mental Flexibility
- Abstract Reasoning
- Judgement for Safety
- Foresight for Safety
- Comprehension & Humor Inferences with Distraction
- Executive Functioning & Combined Skills
List of Intermediate Cognitive Skills
- Attention – Selective – To Visual Distraction
- Attention – Selective – To Audio Distraction
- Memory – Delayed – Auditory & Written
- Memory – Delayed – Written & Cued
- Memory – Working
- Problem Solving
- Constructive Ability
- Route-Finding
- Sequencing
List of Foundational Cognitive Skills
- Memory – Immediate – For Auditory
- Memory – Immediate – For Visual
- Memory – Immediate – For Complex, Auditory, Novel
- Temporal Awareness
List of Sensory, Physical, Mood & Behavioral skills
- Affect at time of assessment:
- Fatigue, Mood, Anxiety, & Pain
- Resilience
- Balance between general stress & recovery plus subdomains including social, emotional, physical complaints, conflicts & pressure, and more.
- Sensory & Physical Skills:
- Visual
- Hearing
- Fine motor
- Static balance
- Social & Behavioral Skills:
- Impulsivity
- Emotion recognition

Streamlining processes with fully managed scoring, reporting and data storage
Everything you need from in-depth clinical insights with statistical analysis and modifiable data to an easy-to-use remote monitoring dashboard for tracking. All connected to an ever-growing dyanmic normative database with 180,000,000+ data points.

Advanced clinical reporting
Advanced clinical reporting

Longitudinal tracking

Bridging the gap from abstract data to real-world
Our assessment, remote monitoring solutions and library of resources are designed to help clinicians and researchers better understand the meaning behind the numbers.

Insight and decision support
Making sense of data can be challenging. Simplify the process and get clearer insights by getting immediate understanding into how the data connects to real-life.
Insight and decision support
Making sense of data can be challenging. Simplify the process and get clearer insights by getting immediate understanding into how the data connects to real-life.

Our latest research
Working with the Mayo Clinic to understand Long-COVID
This study focuses on understanding the neurological impact of Long-COVID by developing a solution that assists clinicians and researches to better understand and address the impacts of this new and emerging phenomena.
Accelerating neuroscience
Cognitive Skills + More
Assessments Completed
Datapoints in normative database
Everything you need from testing to data to treatment
Streamline and simplify the assessment, data analysis and treatment process. Get all the critical tools needed for a successful practice and study, including a suite of world-class digital cognitive assessments and remote monitoring tools, automated reporting, unique clinical intelligence, and more. Reduce time spent assessing and reporting, improve engagement and drive better outcomes.
Automated Scoring & Reporting
Advanced, Customizable Analytics
Treatment Planning
Secure, Private, and Compliant
“I love working with this assessment tool. It’s unique insights provide a great starting point for treatment and discussion around strategies to improve neurofunction.”
Interested in working with us?
Get in touch with us below to learn more
Let's make the INVISIBLE effects of brain disorders VISIBLE, together.
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Copyright © 2022 - BrainFx. All rights reserved.
Important Information: BrainFx Assessments only provide information about neurofunctional performance. Assessment results detail the patient/client's performance on assessment activities completed and only assist the health care team in identifying potential areas of strength or challenge as related to function. Assessments DO NOT provide any diagnosis or treatment recommendations. BrainFx Assessments are only permitted to be delivered by trained clinicians. Assessment reports are not stand-alone and require the interpretation of a health professional within their scope of practice and in the context of all information that they have gathered about their patient/client. In Canada, BrainFx Assessments are cleared by Health Canada as a Class 1 Software as a Medical Device. BrainFx Assessments and the statements made on this website have not been evaluated by any other regulatory bodies. Assessments are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided by BrainFx is not a substitute for face-to-face consultation with your health care professional and should not be construed as individual medical advice.